Tapping the Groundswell with Twitter

7 Apr

“Twitter may well be among the simplest, most powerful social tools you can use. Just make sure you integrate it with the rest of your social channels” (Bernoff & Li, 2011)

Getting onto Twitter is a big step for organizations to take. But now that they are there, what are they supposed to do? People who don’t use Twitter tend to write it off. What can you say in 140 characters? Twitter has quickly become a key part of the groundswell with extending activity in everything from blogs to social networks and given Twitter users an outsized level of influence.

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For H&M, it is very important show to its followers its new promotional campaigns to encourage consumers to shop. Providing advice, without advertising a product or service, is another way companies can participate on Twitter. These tweets will gain followers as they provide useful information to followers.

Some aspects of Twitter include:

Followers: Twitter allows anyone to follow anyone else
Hashtags and Searches: By default, all Twitter updates are public, which makes them searchable, such as #clothes
Mentions and Retweets: Twitter provides an easy way to reply to or reference another Twitter user within a tweet
Links: Many Tweets include links to Web sites
Lists:  In 2010, Twitter added the ability to create lists of people you follow, and these lists can be shared
Apps and Tools: Because Twitter feeds are open, there’s a huge collection of tools that tap into it for both individual twitters and companies

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